Monday, December 28, 2009

Men cheating and women when are we going to stop acting surprised

Men cheating and women when are we going to stop acting surprised. I am speaking on this because it seem like Tiger Woods is the butt of all jokes. I mean I go to bed listening to them and wake up to them. OK we got it he cheated and now it is taking a lot for him to stick up for his mistakes.

But my problem is then his wife is acting like she didn’t know. She had to know something because it is a proven fact that a man only wants another women when something is not going right at home. Not saying that it is her fault that he resulted to cheating but what I am saying is that she could have known way before now and prepared better for this tragedy.

One thing I have noticed from talking to people is that a man loses interest if you bear his child and mess up your girlish figure. Not saying that they didn’t want the child but just that they didn’t want anything to change behind it. They still want you to still be freaky in the kitchen, bathroom, and alley (whatever you guys do). But you have let him open up the can not advising him of the consequences of the maternal instinct. Sex goes out the door. Reason why I say that is because if you are a good mother then there is nothing that will stop you from being there for you child. Then you think about your man. But in the mean time he is contemplating on what he can do to get you more interested and see he has needs to and sometime they should come before the baby’s needs.

So of course you are thinking that you have to prove to him that you can be the perfect mother and he could give a flip when it come to his needs, you are slacking and you will pay for it dearly. When I say pay for it, I mean you will be the one that have to suffer because you start to get confused but you know you are not going to turn your back on your children at all. After all of the arguments you are thinking that you proved your point because he is still there and he is just working late or hanging with the boys as he says and your responsibility becomes your children and he says he fine with it.

Immediately I would have thought something is wrong because a man can’t just go with out sex and live on this earth. So you should be thinking what is going on am I satisfying my man and if so why has our marriage turned into a hotel sleepover every other night? Why are we so distant ? What happen to movie night with the kids? What happened to movie night with momma? Why am I going to the store by myself and he don’t have time for the kids anymore?

I can go on for days, there are a lot of signals. I know you are like I shouldn’t have to guess he is a grown ass man and he should be able to tell me those things. If you don’t want to be with me, then just tell me because I can handle it. Then I am going to cut you…..A man is never going to tell you directly the truth at all. He is going to go all around it then agree with you about the truth. But you figured it out later. So if you think about it is not going to come easy for you. So you continue to care for the children and since your husband is a multi-millionaire. You say I married him and bared his children, and I don’t give him a attention because he is a grown ass man and my children need. Well after he wins he goes out and celebrate. Asked you to come along and you kept telling him no, the babysitter…., John sick, jade is sick. I don’t want to them off on my parents every night just to chill with you.

You might as well call the ladies up yourself and say ya’ll can have him I don’t mind. I am not saying that you have to be there for his every be ken call but at least meet him 75% of the way because they are expecting that and you want to keep your man. This is something that I learned. If you don’t give him a reason to leave then he will be right there because it is breaking his pockets for him to take care of that other woman because he have to make sure he let her know that he is the big man.
He will be a totally different person with her because she makes him feel like somebody. When actually what she is doing is filling that big ass head so she can get even more money and gifts.

So I mean look at Tiger’s wife, she actually act like she didn’t know and I really think she knew something. It just took it getting out to the media for her to get fed up and that is a shame because I really think she could have saved her marriage. The reason that I say that is just like I explained before. A woman have to have a clue when her man is cheating and if the relationship has gone bad. Another thing she left him and she is letting all of those women have him with no strings. Watch how unattached they become of him because it is not a chase anymore. He can actually be under her all of time and that is not what she wanted.

But I wouldn’t have left, I would have worked it out but there would be a price to pay for the hurt and suffering. But that is your baby’s father and the man you loved for 5 years. You can’t just blame him because he is human. They were something missing and you two should have discovered what it was before it go to this point.

Double Standards- Can Women and Men be friends?

I want to know can Women and Men be friends or does it always have to turn into something sexual? I mean if you look at it, you can say no in some ways and then you can say Yes! I think it all depends on the people.

I have a friend and she was so confused about what is going on in her relationship. Well her husband is big in the entertainment field and he deal with different people on a daily- both men and women so it is kind of hard for her. But she has always been told that men and women can t be friends because the man is ALWAYS GOING TO WANT TO HIT! Well she is now dealing with a situation with him dealing with all of those women trying to get at him and all he say is "I love you, and I just look at it as business". Well that is when she started talking to me because she thought that was DOUBLE STANDARDS when there is an excuse for his actions.

I didn't want to touch this one with a ten foot pole at all but I said I will help her out. But one thing I will say, I didn't persuade her to leave him or anything like that. I just told her to be more observant because it is Double Standards. You can't justify anything you said for the other person and give an excuse because of who you are and what your intentions are at the time.

That is bogous bullshit and he knows it. I mean she have to look at it like this, if he didn't bring it up and you had to notice it then your feelings do not matter. I really dont think that he cares about her feelings because if he did then when she asked him about it she wouldn't have even had to remind him of what he said and then him deny it by saying I didn't say that recently. BULLSHIT AND AN EXCUSE!

All I have to say is the way to stay on track is you make sure you are doing the same thing. You have your male friends but dont stoop to his level , just keep them as friends, because anything further then that will classify you as hoe and that is something you want to avoid.

Till we meet again!

Friday, December 4, 2009

World Aids Day - Something I have to say!

As you all know December 1st, 2009 was "World Aids Day". Yeah that is a maouth full all in itself for me. First thing I did that morning was explained to my children (teenagers) why this day actually exsist and why it is so important. I have to say (not because they are my children) that they were very informed on the statistics and could share information with me and their father. MADE ME PROUD! but I also had a chance to talk to my "God daughter" whom have been back with her mother for a year. Her mother was incarcerated for a year and now is out. Mind you I will never keep a child from their parent and so I told her it is good if she moved back with her mother (bad idea) and so she went.

Well I am not going to use any names, but my god daughter is 14 years old and she came down for Thanksgiving to visit. First of all I noticed that she hadn't gotten bigger (eating good I thought) she have a "New Swagg" about herself, something none of us were use to. She was just a little too fast and grown for me. But thisis my god daughter and I wanted to see where her head was at the time and what she had been up to. Well one thing that came up (from her mother) while she was down here, was she skipped school the day before she came to my house. I was like why is she here? But that is something that her mother have to deal with. But she skipped school and she was with her friends and her 17 year old BOYFRIEND! What the Hell! She had his little ring on her finger like she was going to get married that day.

Her mother asked me to get her a pregnancy test because she said that she had sex with the boy (not telling me that) and talk to her.I was thinking what am I suppose to say that a teenager that is having "unprotected sex"? I was dumb-founded because my son is 13 and daughter is 12, I have had the talk with my daughter and my son talks to his father about thing like that all the time. But check this out I have talked to my god daughter before also when she was in my house for 2 years about 1 year ago. MY HOW THINGS CHANGE in 12 months. Well I started telling her about the whole getting pregnant and AIDS and STDS and the death toll is high for the AIDS victims and stuff like that and how little boys are "Dream Killers" because once you are pregnant there is no more cheerleading and stuff like that. Out of that stuff we talked for 3 days.......the only thing she came back with that she got out of it was "Not to have unprotected sex!" I said not at all but that was what she wanted to hear. I was exhausted at this point so I sent called her mother and I told her what she got out of it and told her mother that you can't be her friend any longer because she is highly disrespectful when it comes to her mother.Well she got back on the bus and went home. That is a learning experience to me.

But as I thought it was all over and then I was in the car and I was listening to the radio on December 1st and there was a very positive segment that was devoted to World Aids Day. The DJ and the team were talking to a lot of people that either contracted or were close. Well something happened there was a lady that called in and she was crying. I was like okay this is different. Well she said that she was listening to the show with her husband. She has been married to him for 24 years and the show compelled him to tell his wife that he is on the "DOWN LOW" (my mouth dropped)but it gets worse. He has been on the "Down Low" for 5 years! And when you thought it was all over it gets worse!!!! Then she says that he knows how important of not catching AIDS is to her and he has been following through with his husbandly duties since then and he then told her THAT HE HAS BEEN HIV POSITIVE FOR 2 YEARS AND BEEN KNOWING IT. He said he didn't know how to tell her. Not only that he hopped out of the car because he said that she was thinking about how he feel because he had to tell her. ***** please he is so lucky that she didn't kill him because I know a lot of women that would have right then and calling into a radio station is the last thing that would have been on my mind; The radio station talked to her and she was on her way to the clinic and get TESTED and was suppose to call back into and you know what?????? SHE DIDNT CALL IN AT ALL.We need to be on the look out for this lady she may have went mad.What would you do if that happened to you? People PAY ATTENTION!!!!! Aids are out there and you can't do anything about it once you get it so PREVENT IT BY ANY MEANS!!!!! I want my kids to grow old and you should too!!! Get tested!

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